This is it. You have arrived at the best web page ever!!! Not really, but you just may have stumbled across some darn good poetry. Well, I wouldn't even go that far. Let's just say you've found a place that will make you say, "Hmm" and maybe you'll find out that you might even like my poetry. ;-) I have just added a few new poems and even some prose. YAY! The peasants rejoice.
My name is Joel Leppard and I graduated from University High School in Orlando, Florida. I am enjoying my second year at the University of Florida in Gainesville. (GO GATORS!) I am studying marketing and political science. I love music and, as you will soon see, I enjoy writing poetry. I play the drums, guitar and I can plink out a few songs on the piano. I write and record a lot of music on my computer. I have two songs on so you should check those out. I am outgoing, a little wacky and quite spontaneous. I don't feel restricted by societal constraints.
Unfortunately, most of my new poetry I don't have with me, so all my millions of screaming fans will have to wait a little longer to read some more recent poetry.
Here is my picture. (I am the one in the blue shirt.)
Well anyway take a look at my poetry as well as some pictures at the links to the left, and tell me what you think . . .
Please email me at with any comments or suggestions good or bad. If you want me to add me to your links, let me know, I will be glad to oblige.
Christian Buhl's Poetry
Also, please take a look at my friend Christian's poetry page, Lonely Road. His page is what inspired me to do this one. He has some really awesome poetry, it's worth a look. He is also just got engaged so I am looking forward to their marriage next fall. THREE CHEERS FOR CHRISTIAN AND LAURA!!!
Check it out at
Eastwood Posse
Some of my friends are part of a rap group called the Eastwood Posse. They are some of the coolest guys you'll ever meet. So check out their web site, it's pretty funny.
Check it out:
My Songs
You can download MP3s of songs I wrote at: (just me) (kim and me) (tony and me)
This page was last updated on 05/30/01.